If you're still doing Network Marketing the "Old School" way, you may not realize how much money this method is actually costing you. It seems in some cases/companies, YOU are their real business, not the selling of actual goods to real customers.
At SiteSell: The Blog, in the article titled "How Much Money Is "Old-School" MLM Costing You?," you are given a list of four recommendations to consider as you make your decision about representing MLM companies followed by a powerful video revealing details on diversifying your website's income streams beyond network marketing.
You can trust this article as a reality check in that it is not published by a network marketing company, nor is it published by a network marketer. SiteSell is a company that is about all small business on the net. They have no dog in the fight except that many of their clients are network marketers. They also have an information page especially for network marketers who are serious about their online success.
Go into 2012 with your eyes open!
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